








第一次面試(台灣): AIT移民綠卡面試|移民簡易流程經驗分享

第二次換10年綠卡面試(美國):美國移民|換綠卡流程 & 綠卡面試經驗


icons8-right-button-16.png​ 基本題


icons8-right-button-16.png​ 求婚題 


icons8-right-button-16.png​ 家庭/朋友題

icons8-right-button-16.png​ 教育背景題

icons8-right-button-16.png 工作題

icons8-right-button-16.png​ 居住題






icons8-right-button-16.png 基本題 1

1. When did you meet? (何時認識的?)
2. Where did you meet? (哪裡認識的?)
5. How did you meet? (如何認識的?)
3. When did you first meet in person? (雙方何時第一次見面?)
4. Who introduced you to each other? (誰介紹你們認識?)
6. How long did you talk? ((認識當時)聊天多久?)
7. What happened after? ((認識當時)之後發生甚麼?)
8. How often did you talk to each other over the phone after you initially met? (第一次見面後,多常講電話?)
9. How often did you see each other after you met? (第一次見面後,多久見一次面?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 約會題 2
1. How soon after you met did you start dating? (認識後多久開始約會?)
2. How often did you go out? (出去的頻率?)
3. How often did you talk on the phone? (講電話的頻率?)
4. Give us examples of restaurants you went to? (說一間你們去過的餐廳?)
5. Give us examples of some movies you watched together? (說幾個你們一起看過的電影?)
6. Did you ever travel out of town while you were dating? (約會有去旅行過嗎?)
7. Where did you go? ((承上)去了哪裡?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 求婚題 3
1. How did you decide on getting married? (如何決定要結婚的?)
2. When did he propose? (男方何時求婚的?)
3. Where did he propose? (男方在哪裡求婚的?)
4. Did he give you a ring? (男方有沒有給求婚戒?)
5. Where did you buy the ring? (求婚戒哪裡買的?)
6. How did he propose? (男方如何求婚的?)


icons8-right-button-16.png結婚題 4
1. Where did you get married? in Court or in Church or both? (你們在哪裡結婚的? 法院、教堂還是都有?)
2. Which Court did you go to? (去哪個法院結婚的?)
3. Around what time was the Court wedding? (當時法院結婚大概幾點?)
4. How many people where with you in Court? (法院結婚時有幾個人陪你們?)
5. What did you do after you got married in Court? (法院結婚後你們做了甚麼?)
6. Did you eat out after you got married in Court? (法院結婚後有出去外面吃嗎?)
7. Where did you eat? ((承上) 你們去哪裡吃?)
8. Who were with you at the restaurant? ((承上)在餐廳,誰和你們在一起?)
9. Which Church did you go to? (你們去哪個教堂結婚?)
10. Around what time was the Church wedding? (當時教堂結婚大概幾點?)
11. How did you get to the Church? (你們如何去教堂的?)
12. How many people attended the wedding? (婚禮有幾個人參加?)
13. Did each of your parents attend? ((承上)你父母都有參加嗎?)
14. Where was the wedding held? (你們婚禮在哪裡舉行?)
15. Who were the bridesmaids/groomsmen?((承上)誰是你的伴娘/伴郎?)
16. Did you have a reception? (你們有婚宴嗎?)
17. Where was the reception? (婚宴在哪裡舉辦?)
18. Around what time was the reception? (婚宴大概是幾點?)
19. Around how many people were in the reception? (婚宴大概有幾個人?)
20. Where did you go for the honeymoon? (蜜月去哪裡?)
icons8-right-button-16.png家庭/朋友題 5
1. Have you met your spouse’s parents? (你見過你配偶的父母嗎?)
2. What are their names parents? ((承上)配偶父母的名字是甚麼?)
3. When did you first meet your spouse’s parents? (你何時第一次見你配偶的父母?)
4. Where did you first meet them? ((承上)你們在哪裡見面的?)
5. When was the last time you saw her/his parents? (最後一次見配偶父母是何時?)
6. What was the occasion? (申請人題-(承上)甚麼場合?)
7. How often do you see each other’s families? (多久見對方的家人一面?)
8. How many brothers and sisters does your spouse have? What are their names? (你的配偶有幾個兄弟姊妹?他們的名字是甚麼?)
9. Have you met your spouse’s brothers and sisters? (你有見過你配偶的兄弟姊妹嗎?)
10. When did you first meet your spouse’s brothers and sisters? (你甚麼時候第一次見你配偶的兄弟姊妹?)
11. Where did you first meet your spouse’s brothers and sisters? (你在哪裡第一次見你配偶的兄弟姊妹?)
12. When was the last time you saw her/his brothers and sisters? (最後一次見配偶的兄弟姊妹是甚麼時候?)
13. What was the occasion? ((承上)甚麼場合?)
14. Does your spouse have any nieces or nephews? (你的配偶有姪子或姪女嗎?)
15. Do you have mutual friends? (你們有共同朋友嗎?)
16. What’s your spouse’s best friends name? (你配偶最好的朋友叫甚麼名字?)
icons8-right-button-16.png婚姻生活題 6
1. Who takes care of the finances? (誰管錢?)
2. Do you attend church? (你們參加教會嗎?)
3. Do you plan on having children? (有計畫生小孩嗎?)
4. Do you live together or plan on living together? (你們住一起嗎?或是有計畫住一起嗎?)
5. Do you spend a lot of time together? (你們有花很多時間相處在一起嗎?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 教育背景題 7
1. Where did your spouse go to school? (你配偶上哪個學校?)
2. Did your spouse go to college? (你的配偶有上過大學嗎?)
3. What did your spouse major in? ((承上)你配偶的主修是甚麼?)
4. What did your spouse get a degree in? (你配偶的學位?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 工作題 8
1. Where does your spouse work? Who is the employer? (你的配偶在哪裡工作?誰是老闆?)
2. What does your spouse do? How long has he/she worked there? (你的配偶做甚麼工作?在那裏工作多久了?)
3. What are your spouse’s hours at work? (配偶的工作時數?)
4. What is your spouse’s salary? (配偶的薪水?)
5. How does your spouse get to work? (配偶如何前往工作的?)
6. What is your spouse’s position at work? (配偶的職位?)
7. Does your spouse drive, take bus, or walk to work? (配偶是開車、搭公車還是走路去上班?)
8. Which bus does your spouse take? Which bus station does your spouse go to for work? Which bus station does your spouse get off at? ((承上)幾號公車?哪一站上車?哪一站下車?)
9. What did she/he do before this job? Name of the employer? Salary? Position, etc. (配偶的前一份工作?老闆名字?薪水?職位?等等...)
10. Why he/she left the previous employer? (配偶為什麼離開前公司?)
11. How long does it take for your spouse to get to work? (配偶去上班要花多久時間?)
12. How many days per week does your spouse work? What days are they? (配偶一星期工作幾天?分別是哪幾天?)
13. What was your/your spouse’ work in his/her country before came to the US? (申請人題-配偶來美國前在原來的國家做甚麼工作?)
14. How much was the salary? Address? Supervisor’s name? (申請人題-(承上)當時的薪水?地址?主管名字?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 居住題 9
1. Do you live in a house or apartment? (住獨立房屋還是公寓?)
2. How many bedrooms in the apartment? (公寓內有多少間臥室?)
3. How many bathrooms in the apartment? (公寓內有多少間浴室?)
4. Who live with you? (誰和你(們)住一起?)
5. Rent? Own? How much? How much property tax? ((承上)租房?買的房子?地稅多少?)
6. How much is the mortgage? How much you pay for the house? Who paid? ((承上)貸款多少?自付額多少?誰付的?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 特殊節日題 10
1. When is your spouse’s birthday? (你配偶的生日是幾號?)
2. When is your anniversary? (你們的紀念日是甚麼時候?)
3. What did you do for Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or 4th of July Weekend, Labor Day Weekend, Memorial Day Weekend etc.? (聖誕節、感恩節、國慶日周末、勞工節周末、陣亡將士紀念日周末,你們做了甚麼?)
4. What did you do for her (or his) birthday)? (雙方生日為對方做了甚麼?)
5. Did you give her a gift for her birthday? (你有給女方生日禮物嗎?)
6. What gift did you give her? ((承上)你給他甚麼禮物?)
7. Did you give her a gift for Christmas? (你有給女方聖誕禮物嗎?)
8. What gift did you give her? ((承上)你給他甚麼禮物?)
9. Have you ever been on vacation together? (你們有一起去度假過嗎?)
10. How do you typically celebrate holidays? For example, do you spend Thanksgiving with one family and Christmas with another? (你們通常慶祝節假日嗎? )
icons8-right-button-16.png 近期活動題 11 
1. Did you eat together last night? (你們昨晚有一起吃飯嗎?)
2. What time did you eat? ((承上)你們甚麼時間吃的飯?)
3. What did you eat? ((承上)你們吃甚麼?)
4. Did you sleep together last night? (你們昨晚一起睡嗎?)
5. What time did you sleep? ((承上)你們幾點睡?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 入境題 12
1. what is the last time you entered the US? under what visa? (你最後一次進入美國是甚麼時候?用甚麼簽證?)
2. what was your purpose when you entered the US? ((承上)甚麼目的進入美國?)
3. How many times have you been in the US? (你來美國幾次?)
4. How long did you usually stay? ((承上)通常都待多久?)
5. When did you decide you want to apply for adjustment of Status (applying green card)? (你甚麼時候決定要申請轉換身分的(申請綠卡)?)
6. What kind of visas have you applied in the past? the results? (你之前申請過那些簽證?結果是甚麼?)
7. have you ever been denied an US Visa? (你有申請過美國簽證被拒嗎?)
8. Have you ever worked when you in the US? (你在美國的時候有工作過嗎?)
icons8-right-button-16.png 其他題 13
1. Was there any point in your marriage where you did not live together? (結婚之後有沒有沒再一起住的時候?)
2. How long a period was this? ((承上)多長時間?)
3. What was the reason for not living together for that period? ((承上)沒有住一起的原因是?)
4. Where did your spouse live during that period? ((承上)你的配偶當時住哪裡?)
5. What address? ((承上)地址是?)
6. Does your spouse have tattoos/scars? (你的配偶身上有沒有刺青/疤痕?)
7. How many tattoos/scars? Where are they located? ((承上)有幾個刺青/疤痕?分別在哪裡?)
8. Does your spouse have criminal records that you know of? (你的配偶有沒有犯罪紀錄是你知道的?)
9. What are they? ((承上)分別是哪些?)
10. When did they occur? Where did they occur? ((承上)甚麼時候發生的?哪裡發生的?)
11. Did your spouse get hospitalized over the past year? (你的配偶之前有沒有住院過?)
12. When?  Which hospital did he go to? ((承上)甚麼時候?他是去哪家醫院?
icons8-right-button-16.png 二婚題 14
1. How many times have you married? (你結過幾次婚?)
2. How many times have you divorced? (你離過幾次婚?)
3. Where? When did you get divorced? ((承上)在哪裡離婚的?甚麼時候離婚的?)
4. Why did you get divorced? (你為什麼會離婚?)
5. Were you separated before you divorced? How long had you separated before file divorce? ((承上)你申請離婚前有分居嗎?分居多久?)
6. When did you separate from your former spouse? (你甚麼時候和前配偶分居的?)
7. Do you still have communications with your previous spouse? (你和前配偶還有聯絡嗎?)
8. When was the last time you saw/talked/met/contacted your previous spouse? (你最後一次見/說話/遇到/接觸前配偶是何時?)
9. How many children do you have with your former spouse? Where is he/she/they? (你和你的前配偶有幾個小孩?他們現在在哪裡?)
10. Do(es) they/he/she live you? ((承上)他們和你住一起嗎?)
11. Does your child still have contact with his/her mother/father? ((承上)你的小孩還有和父/母親聯絡嗎?)
12. Did you pay alimony? Child support? (你有付贍養費或小孩撫養費嗎?)
13. Does your former spouse pay alimony? Child Support? (你前配偶有付贍養費或小孩撫養費嗎?)
14. Did you have any property distributed to you at divorce? (你離婚時有分到財產嗎?)
15. When did you start date your current spouse? (你甚麼時候開始和現在的配偶約會的?)
16. What is different between your current marriage to the last one? (你現在的婚姻和上一個婚姻有甚麼不同之處?)
17. Does your spouse have any kids? (你的配偶有小孩嗎?)
18. What are their names? ((承上)他們的名字是?)
19. Where do they live? ((承上)他們住在哪裡?)
20. Where do they go to school? ((承上)他們在哪裡上學?)
21. Who takes them to school? ((承上)誰帶他們上學?)
22. How do they go to school? ((承上)他們怎麼上學的?)
23. How old are the kids? ((承上)孩子們幾歲?)




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icons8-idea-48.png 延伸閱讀:更多婚姻移民

 icons8-greater-than-16.png 我的移民故事|婚姻移民和我考美國護理師的原因


  icons8-greater-than-16.png 入境美國的移民流程|綠卡&社會安全公卡申請


     icons8-greater-than-16.png 擁有綠卡並不是美國公民?|美國居民和美國公民的差別




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